Alstroemeria Tips for a Beautiful Garden

Most alstroemeria varieties are known for their extended blooming season, typically lasting from late spring until the first frost. However, some alstroemeria plants for sale in Australia cultivars boast even longer blooming periods. If you desire continuous color throughout the season, consider varieties like the ‘Summer Skies’ or the ‘Endless Summer’ series.Here are some bonus tips to ensure your alstroemeria thrives:

Planting Power:  When planting alstroemeria in the garden, choose a location with well-draining soil. Amend your soil with compost or organic matter for optimal results. Buy alstroemeria plants Australia and space your plants according to their mature size to allow for proper air circulation.

Watering Wisdom:  Alstroemeria thrives with consistent moisture, but avoid overwatering. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. During hot, dry periods, you may need to water more frequently.

Feeding Frenzy:  Regular fertilization can encourage continuous blooming. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted according to the manufacturer’s instructions during the growing season. Opt for organic fertilizers for an eco-friendly approach.

Deadheading Delights: Regularly deadheading spent flowers not only improves the overall appearance of your plant but also encourages the production of new blooms. Simply pinch off the spent blooms at the base of the stem.

Container magic:  Plants of all shapes and sizes can be used to create stunning container displays.  Group begonias with complementary foliage plants like ferns for a captivating arrangement.